With a state that is mostly privately owned, it is sometimes very difficult to find sites that are accessible for observing dragonflies and damselflies. Several of the more experienced ode enthusiast of the state have been asked were should I go and what should I expect to find there. I have included in this web site places where I have made observations and other sites either suggested by others or that I have researched. To make it easier to locate these various sites, I divided the state into 13 regions following county lines and giving them names based on characteristics of those regions. At each site I have included the name of the site, information, county, location, and either web site or GPS. I have not included all the species that can be found at each site but have included maybe a couple of possibilities that can be observed. Anyone can check either Odonata Central or i-Naturalist for species that can be found at those sites.



    1. Panhandle Region

    2. Mesquite Rolling Plains Region

    3. North Central Region

    4. North East Region

    5. Permian Basin Region

    6. North Edwards Plateau Region

    7. Central Region

    8. South East Region

    9. Trans Pecos Region

    10. Lower Edwards Plateau Region

    11. Coastal Region

    12. Southern Brush Region

    13. Lower Rio Grande Valley Region